It’s full of vitamins and nutrients
A serving of tuna is 85 gms, roughly the size of a deck of cards. In that small serving, tuna is packed with only 109 calories, 20 g of protein, no carbs, 200 mg of potassium, 12 mg of calcium, 8 mg of iron, and 1 mcg of vitamin B12.
It has anti-inflammatory properties
Tuna is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These fats help with heart health, they can get rid of joint pain and help fight arthritis, they are also great for brain health, and they even help lung function.
It’s an antioxidant
Tuna is rich in selenium, with 56 mcg in each serving. Selenium is an antioxidant, which helps clean toxins out of the blood and out of the body. Eating tuna a few times a week can help fight illnesses like colds and infections.
It’s a great diet food
The protein content in tuna makes it an excellent diet food because it can help you build and maintain muscle. It is a lean protein source, so you don’t have to worry about high calories weighing you down.
It’s very versatile
And, of course, tuna is a very versatile food. You can have it fresh, cooked on the grill or on the stove all year long. You can have it with any sides, but it’s giving you a leaner meat option.

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