News on Sunday

Heritage City project: Bérenger appalled by the absence of tenders

The Leader of the Opposition, Paul Bérenger, said the Heritage City project poses risks and asked the government to put it on hold and not to proceed with it during a press conference on Thursday afternoon. Bérenger stated that the priority of the country is not to develop a new Prime Minister’s Office. He wonders why there is such haste in this project whose cost is estimated at Rs 28.5 billion. The leader of the opposition regrets that the hiring of a consultant to review the project was done without having recourse to a tendering exercise. “The MMM is against this project and the way Roshi Bhadain is proceeding. What is shocking is that the Cabinet has decided to appoint a consultant [Stree Consulting Dubai] for this project without recourse to a tender exercise. This involves billions of rupees. The consultant in question is completely unknown. This is absolutely shocking!” said Bérenger. Additionally, the Central Committee of the MMM has approved the recommendation of the political bureau for its leader, Bérenger, to run as a candidate for the Prime Minister position for a term of five years and to go alone for the next general elections. “The elections can take place earlier than expected. We will do our best to present a maximum of candidates. We stand ready, and continue to work on our candidate list,” Paul Bérenger added.
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