Following a Government-to-Government Agreement between China and Mauritius, the University of Mauritius will be hosting a Confucius Institute on its Campus in Réduit. A signing ceremony will be held this Friday in the presence of Representatives of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research. The Confucius Institute’s mission in Mauritius is to enhance intercultural understanding between the two countries.
The UoM Confucius Institute shall accomplish this mission through a range of educational and outreach activities. The Institute shall, interalia, contribute to the teaching of Chinese language, offer information and consultative services concerning China’s education, culture etc. Professor Romeela Mohee, CSK, Vice-Chancellor of the University, views this initiative as a mean to further consolidate the relations between China and Mauritius in the field of education, especially since this endeavour is in line with the University strategic direction of Internationalisation, Community Outreach and Student Experience.
Over recent years, the Confucius Institutes’ development has been sharp and they have provided scope for people all over the world to learn about Chinese language and culture. In addition they have become a platform for cultural exchanges between China and the world as well as a bridge reinforcing friendship and cooperation between China and the rest of the world.

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