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Middlesex University Mauritius annonce des bourses d'études pour les Chagossiens pour la prochaine année académique

Dans le cadre de l'engagement continu du gouvernement britannique à soutenir la communauté chagossienne, Middlesex University Mauritius annonce la reconduction des bourses d'études pour les étudiants chagossiens pour la prochaine année académique. L'année dernière, grâce au soutien du gouvernement britannique, huit étudiants chagossiens ont pu bénéficier de ces bourses, leur permettant de poursuivre des études supérieures sur le campus mauricien de Middlesex University.


C’est ce qui ressort d’un communiqué émis par Middlesex University Mauritius.
Ces bourses visent à alléger les charges financières liées à l'enseignement universitaire et à encourager l'excellence académique parmi les étudiants chagossiens. En fournissant cette aide financière, Middlesex University Mauritius souhaite permettre aux étudiants d'origine chagossienne d'atteindre leurs objectifs éducatifs et de contribuer de manière significative à leurs communautés.

Détails des bourses :

•    Éligibilité : Ouvert exclusivement aux étudiants d'ascendance chagossienne.
•    Critères de candidature : Les candidats doivent remplir un formulaire (disponible sur et fournir les actes de naissance des candidats ainsi que ceux de leurs parents et grands-parents. Ces bourses couvrent les programmes de fondation, de premier cycle et de troisième cycle.
•    Montant de la bourse : La bourse couvre les frais de scolarité, l’hébergement universitaire et inclut une allocation mensuelle.
•    Dates limites de candidature :
o    Pour l'entrée générale de premier cycle : les candidatures doivent être soumises avant le 13 septembre 2024.
o    Pour le Programme de Fondation Internationale : les candidatures doivent être soumises avant le 3 février 2025.
o    Pour l'entrée d'avril 2024 en premier cycle : les candidatures doivent être soumises avant le 28 mars 2024.

Ci-desssous le communiqué dans son intégralité :

Press Release

Middlesex University Mauritius Announces Chagossian Scholarships for the Upcoming Academic Year

Cascavelle Mauritius, 2nd September 2024 – As part of the UK Government's ongoing commitment to supporting the Chagossian community, Middlesex University Mauritius is proud to announce the continuation of Chagossian Scholarships for the upcoming academic year. Last year, through the support provided by the UK Government, eight Chagossian students were able to benefit from these bursaries, allowing them to pursue higher education at the Middlesex University’s Mauritius campus.

These scholarships are specifically designed to alleviate the financial burdens associated with university education and to encourage academic excellence among Chagossian students. By providing financial assistance, Middlesex University Mauritius aims to empower students of Chagossian heritage to achieve their educational goals and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Scholarship Details:

•    Eligibility: Open exclusively to students of Chagossian descent.
•    Application Requirements: Applicants must complete a form (accessible via and provide the birth certificates of themselves and their parents and grandparents. Note that scholarships cover foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. 
•    Award Amount: The scholarship covers tuition fees, university accommodation, and includes a monthly stipend.
•    Application Deadlines:
o    For the general undergraduate intake: Applications must be submitted by13 September 2024.
o    For the International Foundation Programme: Applications must be submitted by 3 February 2025.
o    For the April 2024 undergraduate intake: Applications must be submitted by 28 March 2024.

Middlesex University Mauritius encourages educational institutions and community organisations to help us spread the word about the Chagossian Scholarships, ensuring that all eligible students have the chance to benefit from this initiative.

For further information or inquiries, please contact Mrs V. Ramchandar at or visit our website at

Media Contact: Mrs V. Ramchandar
Middlesex University Mauritius

About Middlesex University Mauritius:
Middlesex University Mauritius offers a gateway to global opportunities through a UK degree. Our campus combines rigorous academic standards with a culturally rich environment, preparing graduates for success in the international arena.

Renowned for delivering a world-class education, our internationally qualified faculty members guide students in state-of-the-art teaching spaces, fostering engagement, collaboration, and innovation. The results speak for themselves: in 2023, 73% of our graduates achieved a First Class or Upper Second-Class degree.

We are committed to making quality education accessible with affordable tuition fees. International graduates benefit from opportunities like the Young Professional Visa, which enhances post-graduation employment prospects. Located in Mauritius—a country known for its welcoming atmosphere, safety, and strong connectivity—we ensure a seamless experience for students from around the world.

Our programmes are aligned with the demands of international employers, with over 95% of our graduates securing full-time employment or pursuing further studies within six months of graduation. Our International Foundation Programme (IFP) provides a smooth transition into undergraduate studies, equipping students with essential academic skills for success.

Accredited by Middlesex University (UK) and the Mauritian Higher Education Commission, our undergraduate programmes offer the opportunity to earn a UK Honours degree in just three years, opening doors to global opportunities or further study in our Master’s programmes. Our postgraduate offerings, featuring flexible delivery modes such as evening classes and hybrid teaching, cater to professionals seeking career advancement and skill enhancement, ensuring every student’s educational journey is marked by excellence and relevance.

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