The Political Bureau of the Muvman Liberater (ML) met for an hour on Wednesday afternoon at Rose Hill to discuss the future of its MP Sangeet Fowdar. The latter poured out his feelings about the way the party was handling the affairs of the country during an interview on Radio Plus. The MP, who was present at the meeting, left after half an hour without making any comments. The ML leader and Minister of Public Utilities, Ivan Collendavelloo, later said his party decided to suspend Fowdar until further notice.
“The Executive Committee should meet on Saturday following the Maha Shivaratree to decide on the fate of the backbencher,” he said. Moreover, the ML fully supports the Heritage City project. “We stand by the government action. Heritage City seems to be an extraordinary project for the Mauritian economy, especially for the vision we have for the country. We had the opportunity to see the plates prepared by the architect chosen. He demonstrated that he knew his job,” he stated.

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