On Tuesday 26 March, members of the National Assembly will once more make their way to this temple of democracy. However, the sanctity of the grounds will be somehow smeared by recent developments on the political landscape. The configuration has changed and the opposition is set to fire off at the majority. According to Majority Chief Whip, Mahen Jhugroo, his side stands ready to fight. On the other side, the Opposition Whip Rajesh Bhagwan says the majority will have a tough time.
Since the general elections in December 2014, the parliamentary opposition has been subdued and has failed to hit hard at the government. The massive defeat of the former MMM-Labour Party coalition during those elections and their subsequent split has left a sour after-taste. The MMM was busy tending wounds from the electoral battle and loss of seats from its breakaway members. Alan Ganoo, Raffick Sorefan, Jean-Claude Barbier, Joe Lesjongard and Kavi Ramano, left the MMM to form a new party, the Mouvement Patriotique (MP).
In the meantime, Labour was left with only four MPs and its leader Navin Ramgoolam along with other party figureheads were swept away by the Alliance Lepep tidal wave. However, three months after the first anniversary of the ruling coalition at the helm of the country, things do not augur well for them.
For a start, on Tuesday, former minister Raj Dayal will be sitting as backbencher, if he does choose to make it to Parliament on that day. He is being investigated by ICAC over a potential graft scandal and had to step down. As a result, his ministry was temporarily handed over to Minister of Public Service, Alain Wong.
A week earlier, after a mini-reshuffle, Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo was transferred from the Ministry of Finance to that of Foreign Affairs. He is currently sick and has been attending treatment following a relapse of his bronchitis. As at now, it is not known whether the latter will be present on Tuesday, or whether he will resign.
Another change in the configuration is the outburst of majority MP Sangeet Fowdar from the Muvman Liberater. He denounced inaction within the ranks of government and the fact that some of his colleagues had turned back on their electoral promises. He was expelled from his party and he will most likely be sitting as independent MP.
There will be another independent MP to keep him company though. Danielle Selvon left the MSM following her opposition to the introduction of the unexplained wealth legislations – the Good Governance and Integrity Reporting Bill. Her chosen positions were not to the liking of her party and she found herself sitting as independent.
The much-awaited ruling of the Supreme Court on Pravind Jugnauth’s appeal against his 12 month imprisonment sentence for conflict of interest, coupled with the recent upheavals, have given a new lifeline to an abated opposition. The leader of the MMM, Paul Bérenger has asked for Lutchmeenaraidoo to step down. His proposal has been echoed by other parties, the Mouvement Patriotique has asked for the same by placing banners in public places. Vasant Bunwaree of the Mouvement Travayis Militant has also asked for the same.
Former PM Navin Ramgoolam has questioned why a differential treatment was given to Dayal and Lutchmeenaraidoo. One having to step down while the other has been transferred. Ramgoolam, whose political career was considered dead and buried by his opponents, is surfing on this God-sent wave of resentment towards the government.
[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"13707","attributes":{"class":"media-image wp-image-22778 alignleft","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"176","height":"200","alt":"Rajesh-Bhagwan"}}]]Rajesh Bhagwan: “The government is sitting on a timebomb”
Member of Parliament of the MMM and Opposition Whip, Rajesh Bhagwan states that the opposition is all set to deal with the government. “The government is sitting on a timebomb. Since the closure of Parliament in December, things have gone from bad to worse. We will be very pertinent when it comes to questionning the government. We will be focusing on the different nominations, the MedPoint case, privatisation of water supplies, floods, PRB report, double taxation treaty, the incident with India and other matters like Dayal case, Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo, Shawkutally Soodhun, Dubai Ports World, Pailles Smart City and others.” He finds recent scandals shocking. “The government had already witnessed the step down of the leader of the MSM, now the Minister of Environment has done the same. The Minister of Finance has been accused in a scandal and instead of stepping down; he has been transferred to Foreign Affairs. So the government must clarify why was such a decision taken.” Rajesh Bhagwan says that the government is suffering from a leadership crisis. “No single Ministry will be spared. The Minister of Health has to answer to the questions of Dr Joomaye on methadone. Franco Quirin will question the Minister of Sports about the ill-treatment of a handicapped athlete. Aadil Ameer Meeah will focus on road accidents. Other questions will be set to Ministers of Education, Finance and Public Infrastructure.” According to him, the government has promised a better economy and till now, nothing has been achieved. “The economy is stagnant. People are not getting water as promised. The government has to answer to it.” The opposition sincerely hopes the Prime Minister answers all the questions within the shortest delay rather than asking time for answers to be compiled.[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"13708","attributes":{"class":"media-image wp-image-22779 alignleft","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"186","height":"219","alt":"Mahen-Jhugroo"}}]]Mahen Jhugroo: “Scandals also existed under the previous government”
Majority Chief Whip Mahen Jhugroo affirms that scandals have always existed. “Scandals also existed under the former government. But everyone should assume their responsibilities. Culprits will have to assume their responsibilities as well. We cannot judge anyone until he is proven guilty. It will be business as usual in Parliament. We are elected by the people, so we will continue performing our job. We are ready to face the opposition. Every MP will do his job and play his/her role. As long as we have Sir Anerood Jugnauth as Prime Minister, I don’t think we need to be afraid.” When quizzed about the seating arrangements regarding Raj Dayal, Sangeet Fowdar and Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo, he says “it will be decided once Parliament resumes. As for Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo he is still a Minister, he will have his seat.” He also advices those who want to be rich not to join politics.[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"13709","attributes":{"class":"media-image wp-image-22780 alignleft","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"174","height":"191","alt":"Dharam-Gokhool"}}]]Dharam Gokhool: “The government has weakened further”
Former Education Minister Dharam Gokhool reveals that during the parliamentary vacation, the political landscape was taken up by waves of scandals and allegations. “The resumption of Parliament is very important for the future of the government. With the stepping down of Raj Dayal, the government has weakened further. The government will face lots of pressure. All the attention will on the Prime Minister as he once stated that he will not compromise in any situation.” Moreover, Dharam Gokhool says there pending issues such as privatisation of water supply, scandals and various allegations made. “The opposition will target the government on numerous issues as the population is seeking answers. The population has not witnessed a change in their socioeconomic life or law and order. So it will be a very tough time for the government.”[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"13710","attributes":{"class":"media-image wp-image-22781 alignleft","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"159","height":"190","alt":"Vasant-Bunwaree"}}]]Vasant Bunwaree: “The job of an MP is to be down to earth”
According to former Education Minister, Vasant Bunwaree, this parliamentary session will be extraordinary. “The resumption will not take place in a good atmosphere, due to the series of recent events. MPs used their holidays to do fieldwork, research, and site visits. We are in a democracy and the aim is to educate and inform the population. The work of an MP is to be down to earth and close to the people. It is hard work,” explains Vasant Bunwaree. The resumption of Parliament will be an occasion to answer all questions that have remained pending. “It will be time for real debate and to rectify and remedy certain points and problems.” Regarding the recent upheavals, Vasant Bunwaree says the resumption of Parliament will take us to down a road we never wish for. “Parliament is a place where the truth will emerge. The personality and work ethics of our MPs will come to the forefront.” He added: “What is important is that it all depends on the values of our MPs and how they tackle issues while respecting their colleagues.”
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