News on Sunday

Prime Minister awards scholarships to disabled students

The Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit, Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Mr Pravind Jugnauth, proceeded to the awarding ceremony of scholarship to learners with disabilities on Thursday morning.


The ceremony, held on Thursday morning at the Prime Minister’s Office in Port Louis, also saw the presence of the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun and parents and relatives of the awardees. The five scholarships were awarded to learners with disabilities for pursuing higher education in local institutions. The scholarship will cover the tuition/training fees and will provide for a monthly stipend of Rs 5,000.

The Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth stated that the award ceremony will remain a memorable one for him. “It is with great pleasure that I am hosting this ceremony as I have always had the conviction that we must invest in education… I also have a personal conviction to help and pay special attention to those who are in need. We have the duty to help those people climb up the ladder and integrate the development and socioeconomic progress taking place.”

For Pravind Jugnauth, this scholarship scheme will allow students to attain their targets in life. “Through this scholarship, the government is valuing the children and the parents’ efforts. Through their perseverance, they are showing to the entire country that a disability does not stop you from going forward. They are showing that we are each capable of achieving great things.”

The Prime Minister seized the opportunity to launch an appeal to the population. “I appeal to each of Mauritian to help and support the cause of those who are in need. The government is the facilitator but we need the support of all to achieve our objectives,” he said. 

As for, the Education Minister, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, she highlighted that as announ-ced in Budget 2016/2017, the new scheme for students with disabilities has been created with the aim of providing them with higher learning opportunities and encouraging them to achieve their higher education aspirations. “This special scholarship scheme for students with disabilities will not only help them in pursuing tertiary studies. This scholarship also values the efforts, hard work and perseverance of both the children and the parents,” she says.

In her address, the Minister of Education said that the award of these scholarships to special-needs learners shows that there should be no obstacle to the education of children. “There should be no obstacle to the one who shows the determination and will to succeed. We, at the government, do not wish that Mauritian children face any kind of obstacle at the education level.” 

In fact, the government program 2015-2019, announces higher learning opportunities for those in need of fostering greater equity in the system, “Government will encourage access to Tertiary Education for students from low income families and students with disabilities.”

The five awardees are: Shaykh Mohammad Fayyaaz Rengony, Poornima Greedharree, Abhinav Lushveen Ramjeet, Rukhsaar Rengony and Neilsen Pillay Arnachellum received their scholarship awards in the hands of both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education. The scholarships support undergraduate courses, professional courses and Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) courses. 

The Awardees

Shaykh Mohammad Fayyaaz RengonyShaykh Mohammad Fayyaaz Rengony, 24, plans to do a professional course at the Belstar Training Centre towards becoming a Chartered Secretary. The former LLB student of the University of Mauritius says that he has chosen the course as Chartered Secretary due to high demand. “There are many opportunities in this field and high demand as well.”

Rukhsaar RengonyRukhsaar Rengony, 22, will be studying for a diploma (Level 5) in Business Management at the Association of Business Executive. “I also plan to purse my degree in Business Management as well.” Suffering from Muscular Dystrophy, the former student of Vacoas SSS, says this scholarship will help her professionally.

Poornima GreedharreePoornima Greedharree, 19, is visually impaired since birth. She plans to study Law at the University of Mauritius. She says that she has always loved studying and working in the legal field. “This degree will definitely help me achieve my aim and also I trust that there are lots of opportunities in the field. This is why I chose an LLB.”

Neilsen Pillay ArnachellumNeilsen Pillay Arnachellum suffers from haemophilia. He says that his condition has not stopped him from pursing his dream. “I would like to work in the computer field. I was fond of computer studies when I was at school and I was also very good in this field.” The techno fan will be studying towards a degree in Network Security at the University of Technology.

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