This very simple program allows you to put on the desktop of your mobile phone the following key information about yourself:
• MY PROFILE (full name, age, including vital medicines prescribed, blood group, pathologies if any, allergies, recent medical history etc)
• CONTACTS ( home/workplace/school/other ADDRESS, phone number of self, wife/husband/mother/father, medical doctor, hospital where your dossier is etc.)
IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY (such as accident, sickness, malaise, cardiac alert, diabetes alert, unconsciousness, memory loss, man-made or natural disaster) especially if you are unconscious, this vital info about yourself can save a life.
IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY (ICE) enables first responders, such as paramedics, fire-fighters, and police officers, as well as hospital personnel, to contact the next of kin of the owner of a mobile phone to obtain important medical or support information.
WHAT TO DO NOW? : DOWNLOAD THE ICE PROGRAMME, FILL IT UP AND PUT IT ON YOUR MOBILE PHONE SCREEN. Encourage family /friends/colleagues to also download ICE and install it.

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