News on Sunday

Water Situation: Reservoirs filled only at 50% capacity

la ferme

Despite the recent rains, the average filling rates of six reservoirs in the island are only at 50.9%. This represents a decrease compared to the same period last year when the reservoirs had an average filling rate of 54%.


According to the Central Water Authority (CWA), the recent rains have rather been beneficial for the boreholes. As at Tuesday 26th December, the Piton du Milieu reservoir had a filling rate of 63.9%, Mare-Longue 62.3% and the largest reservoir in the country Mare aux Vacoas, is 56.4% filled. Midlands Dam has a fill rate of 52.9%, La Nicolière 39.2% and La Ferme records the lowest rate of 29.6%.

The CWA is working hard to ensure an adequate supply of water. Thus, the distribution will be done by regions, namely in places where there are cuts. This also applies to the inhabitants of the north, particularly in Grand Gaube, Calodyne and mainly Morcellement Swan, Pereybère.

In Grand Gaube, those living in the Saint-Jean Bosco neighbourhood, St. Joseph, Bati and John Kennedy Road neighbourhood are supplied with water by tanker trucks. CWA tankers, as well as privately owned tankers, will go to all nooks and corners of the country to ensure that customers have access to water.

Drought already felt in Rodrigues

The water situation is not so good in Rodrigues, too. The inhabitants had in fact expressed their dissatisfaction due to lack of water. On Wednesday, they protested in the streets and twelve of them were arrested, as their protest had caused a serious accident.

However, the situation was under control following the distribution of water by tankers. Nevertheless, Rodrigues has already felt the drought effects during this hot summer period. Anse Raffin reservoir is almost dry and dead eels have been found in the reservoir.

Showers for 2018

You better not forget your umbrellas at home in the beginning of 2018 and you will have to reschedule your BBQ party. The Mauritius Meteorological Services is forecasting some showers on the 1st and 2nd January. According to weather forecaster Prem Pathak, the rain will not be consequent on the first day of 2018. “However we are expecting more showers on 2nd and 3rd January.

The showers will mainly be on the Central Plateau and the eastern part of the island. However, all will depend on the evolution of a low pressure zone which is in our region but is not affecting us for now,” explains the weather forecaster. Moreover, temperatures will be seasonal with a maximum of 34 to 35 degrees Celsius on the coast. So, no worries for New Year’s Eve, you will be able to fully enjoy the fireworks.


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