News on Sunday

Public Service Excellence Award 2015: Creativity and innovation to take centre-stage

The theme for the 2015 edition of the Public Service Excellence Award is “Creativity and Innovation to Improve Public Service Delivery”. Every year, the Public Service Excellence Award is implemented over a particular theme that is directly related to organisational or group performance. This year, the theme has been specially chosen in line with the appeal made by the Prime Minister, Sir Anerood Jugnauth while unveiling the strategy “Achieving the Second Economic Miracle – Vision 2030” which calls for a change in mindset and the commitment to make things happen. Organisations, therefore, need to adopt strategic and innovative approaches so as to offer more citizen-centric services, within the available resources. This constitutes the stepping stone to pave the way to improved service delivery across the Civil Service. There is need to trigger a new mindset and promote a fresh culture that will focus on national targets rather than routine jobs only. The theme is a call for Public Officers to be agents of change and for Public Organisations to act as facilitators for achievements to happen while exploring novel ways of serving the public at large. This year’s edition will, thus, reward those organisations which have successfully put in place reform strategies and policies and establish result oriented measures. It will recognise those organisations that have gone out of their way despite the limited resources available to bring in creativeness and innovation in their way of doing business. Mrs Hélène Echevin will chair the Jury Panel. She has a rich track record and wide experience in top management positions in the private sector. The Public Service Excellence Award 2015 aims to recognise organisational excellence and highlight its importance in developing a modern, high quality and sustainable public service; reward Ministries / Departments or Divisions / Units that have adopted innovative and environmentally-friendly means to deal with daily challenges; and promote a performance-based, responsive, customer-focused and accountable public service. The Award will be attributed to the entity that has excelled in all the judging criteria being assessed, namely Strategic Planning and Objectives; Customer Centred Delivery; Leadership and Team Spirit; Efficiency and Effectiveness; and Innovation and Improvement.
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