You love painting or expressing yourself in an artistic way? Here is something which will rejoice you and give an opportunity to express your passion. The News On Sunday Competition is back for its 5th Edition! So stock up on your brushes, paint tubes and papers and get started for an all-out adventure.
But before you get all wound up, here are a few basics. The chosen theme for this year is “Green Wave Action” and for your submitted work of art to be considered, you will have to stay relevant to the theme. Do not forget this point at all cost. In fact, make it your mantra!
By choosing this theme, our aim is to revive the youth’s alertness for a Cleaner, Greener & Safer Mauritius. In addition, we want to promote the importance of Ecotourism as a promising economic sector.
As an enhancement to maintain our ecological quest, participants and sponsors will have the honour to associate themselves with the Défi Media Group’s ecological/social programs during the year 2016.
How to participate?
The competition is open to participants from the following age groups: 6 to 9, 10 to 13, 14-17 and 18-25.
To stand a chance to win prices, cut-off the Participation Coupon printed below and fill out the required fields. Why not get your friends to jump on the bandwagon and participate also?
Participation coupons will be published in News on Sunday’s editions of April 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. The competition will run from 25th March to 6th May 2016 (Both dates inclusive).
Three winners from each category will be awarded gifts by our main sponsors. Please note: Winners of previous editions are not eligible for participation.
You can choose whichever technique you want to use for your masterpiece. Once more, do not forget the mantra: stick to the “Green Wave Action” theme. You will be assessed on originality, creativity and relevance to the theme.
Prize giving ceremony
The prize giving cocktail will be held on 14th May 2016 and will be covered by all of our media platforms namely: Le Défi Plus, L’Hebdo / Le Dimanche, Le Défi Quotidien, Star, Radio Plus and the Web TV – TéléPlus.
Information about the competition will be also available on our website www.defimedia.info.

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