News on Sunday

Kailash Trilochun files complaint against the Prime Minister

On Wednesday afternoon, barrister Kailash Trilochun lodged a complaint against the Prime Minister Sir Anerood Jugnauth and Finance Minister Pravind Jugnauth. The barrister recently made press front pages after having claimed Rs 19 million fees from the Information Communication and Technologies Authority (ICTA). A second case came to haunt him after allegations made by a suspect that he was the mastermind of the attack on the ICTA chairman.


Kailash Trilochun stated that the complaint was being made after the comments of Sir Anerood Jugnauth in a press conference held on Monday 12 September. That same week, Pravind Jugnauth also criticised the lawyer for his stand. For him, it is unworthy for a Prime Minister to make such remarks referring to Article 296 of the Penal Code and section 46 of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Act. “I leave the responsibility to the police. Are we still in a state of law? I have faith in the police and I think they will do their job,” he said.

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