Manager of Maison Familiale Rurale (MFR), Jyotee is born for social work. Her journey from an intern to manager is very inspiring. With dedication and willingness to achieve something in life, she started to climb the ladder of success as from an early age. Awarded Youth Excellence Award 2015, she makes us discover MFR and her vision.
27-year old Jyotee, a resident of Long Mountain, initiated the project MFR in Mauritius. “MFR exists in various countries around the world. The organisation helps youngsters aged 16 to17 who have difficulties in learning and finding a job. Usually, the youngsters spend one week at school and one week in work placement. We try our best to help the youngsters become responsible citizens, ” she shares.
Jyotee started her career as a trainee in Madagascar. In 2007, she worked as an intern in the field of instruction in Réunion Island following which she earned a certificate, allowing her to put into practice what she has learnt. “For three years, I worked as a trainee. I was inspired by my brothers who were already indulging in social work. In 2013, I set up the MFR in the region of Flacq. The start was a bit difficult. Nevertheless, to date, thirty young people have been trained and found jobs.”
Concerning training at MFR, focus is put on cooking and baking depending on the needs and demand of nearby hotels. “Often, we welcome chefs and pastry chefs who train our youngsters. They try to make these young people understand the need for good cooks in hotels and at the same time train them to be efficient cooks.”
The young people usually come to MFR for three years. “When they enter MFR, they have a level of Form III, IV or V. At the start, they are a bit laborious but after around two months, they start to see that MRF is different from other institutions. They begin to think that they are here to achieve something and pave their way towards a profession. Our role is to guide them, as they are mostly from broken or poor homes. I have seen how some children live in very deplorable conditions.”
Recycling project
Jyotee has also initiated a project of recycling tin cans which bagged a merit award. “With the help of the youngsters, we initiated an environmental project which has been successful. We are still on this project. The cans were then used to make decorative products. They were put on sale at Flacq and Réunion Island. The aim of this project was to introduce them to the management of a mini-business and knowledge of marketing and budgeting. Another recycling project is that of used tyres for cultivating vegetables.”
Moreover, another project that is close to her heart is the trip with the youngsters to Réunion Island. “With the collaboration of MFR of Réunion, we organised a trip to Reunion Island, an event that the youngsters liked a lot. It helped them to discover another facet of life.”
Dream project
Jyotee does not want to stop here. The sky is the limit for her. She cherishes the dream of setting up a residential project at MFR. “Currently, we do not have any dormitory facilities. In five years’ time, we are hoping to come forward with this project. It is a dream project. I will be really happy to initiate this and help those children even more,” she hopes.
Financial difficulty
The journey of Jyotee was not as rosy as we might want to believe. All along she has had to persevere and work even harder to be able to succeed in her mission. She states that MFR counts a lot on CSR funds. “It is difficult to find CSR. We need more sponsors. We always make an appeal to companies to visit us and see how we are working with the youngsters. We are giving them a new direction and helping them to become more responsible and turn into professionals.”
Passion for painting
Jyotee has nurtured a passion for painting. Despite her tight schedule, she tries to find some time for painting, through which she tries to draw inspiration for herself and other youngsters. “I usually do not have time to paint or draw. I spend all my time in social work. But often, I have to express myself through drawing for various projects. With time, painting has become more of a necessity than really a passion.”
Why not politics?
Jyotee wants to serve her country and she wishes to join politics to change the mindset of people and at the same time be close to people. “I want to join politics and help needy people. I will be using my expertise and knowledge. My wish is to eradicate poverty. Currently, I do not have the power and capability. I hope to be able to do so in future.”

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