Paul McCartney once said ‘if slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian’. There are many types of vegetarians: Vegan, Vegetarian, Lacto-vegetarian, Lacto-Ovo vegetarian and Pescetarianism and they do not miss a simple occasion to smile in front of the delicious food they have in front of them.
Rubeena Kathy Noel : “I derive all my vitamins from fruits”
A vegan since six years, Rubeena respects all living beings and refuses to feed herself upon the death or grief of any animal. And she does not see the reason why people should eat animals. “It was a sin to even think about eating meat. Now, I am not tempted anymore. I think that it is all rooted in the mind, I guess I’ve erased the part that says we need to eat meat to survive.”
Her consciousness has levelled up with spiritual practices and she started questioning herself on the real need of eating meat to survive. Furthermore, she has developed a true compassion for all living things. I’ve also read about how energy affects the body and how the fact that these food which are made from the suffering of animals can affect the aura of Humans.
She says she can obtain vitamins from fruits. “I eat almost four to five fruits and vegetables every day. I take almond milk or I eat almonds every day. I get proteins and vitamins from the source itself. I also exercise and meditate. It’s a way of living not just a way of eating.” People have the right to poke fun at veganism, it reflects their state of mind. “My state of mind is to accept their state of mind.”
Being vegan keeps someone in good shape, good health and the food is as delicious as eating meat. It also increases your creativity as you have to create new dishes every day. It helps you to be more aware of all vitamins, minerals, calcium the body needs to function properly.
Antish Dewochand : “I oppose all animal cruelty”
Antish’s principle reason behind veganism is to oppose all unnecessary violence. He seeks compassionate alternatives to the products of animal exploitation. It is about trying to live – as far as it is possible – without causing harm to other creatures. It has always been a mystery for him: how can people stand the smell of fish or flesh”. It is rather something he would never ever think of tasting.
Born in a pescetarian family, his whole family went vegan after him. And, he has been vegan for the past five years. “Protein deficiency in vegans is a myth that has been debunked ages ago. Anyone with a proper vegan diet is healthier than a ‘carnist’. There is 6.4grams of protein in 100g of beef and 11.1grams of protein in 100g of broccoli”.
Furthermore, it is the price to pay for standing up for the voiceless. “People never visit factory farms or slaughterhouses and yet find it extremely ‘convenient’ to have the animal on their plate. It is funny how people use euphemism when referring to carnism. People say leather but not dead animal skin, they say beef and not dead animal flesh or ‘milk is good’ and not ‘stolen milk’ from abused factory farms cows’”. He wishes that people see that all sentient lives feel pain. A chicken feels the same amount of pain as a dog. However, he does not condemn people who lack certain requirements due to health problems. From the moment it is life threatening, for example, for someone sick who needs fish protein, this is perfectly justified if he cannot have the same protein from veggies.
He explains that “we just happen to have opened our hearts on compassion and opened our eyes that animal exploitation is wrong. It is wrong to kill for greed and not need. I do not support the businessman who supports animal abuse just because he likes the taste of meat whereas so many delicious, healthier alternatives are available. Understand that we want the world to be a better, safer place for every sentient being”. He just wants a better world for everybody.
Jack Owen Fanfan : “Farming industry is the main cause of pollution”
Seven years ago, he started by turning into a vegan. Then later, he switched into ovo-vegetarian when he moved to France for his studies. The main reason that encouraged him to quit eating meat was his concern about the health benefits that one can get by living an ovo-vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. “By this time, veganism seemed more appealing to me, as I was really into it. I remember spending hours doing research and debating with friends about veganism.” This experience has turned him into someone who is quite knowledgeable about the human anatomy, as well as the nutrients and routines which are adapted to it.
He feels tempted but thinking about all the bad things that are attached to the consumption of meat disgusts him in many ways. Though foods are sometimes attached to memories and the only smell of “‘la viande roti’, in which my mom was an expert, makes my mouth water! Having said that, after six years of training in saying no to foods that I once loved, no smell or look can be appealing enough to entice me have a bite.” He obtains proteins from animal products like eggs, though he does not remember ever having any kind of protein deficiency while he was vegan for two years. He just makes sure to eat lots of greens, fruits, and beans and do some sports like running. “I’ve always been pretty lean though, it’s due to my super high metabolism, not my diet. Concerning vitamins, I do take supplements like B12 and vitamin D.”
Also, according to him, the farming industry is the main cause of pollution, hunger, malnutrition, deforestation, global warming and cancer. “Animals are not our property and God didn’t put them on earth to be raised, reproduced and eaten by humans.” He finally adds that veganism is totally not about what we shouldn’t eat, but mostly about what we should eat and how. If it makes you weaker, you are doing it the wrong way.
Darina Sanassy : “It’s my choice”
An ovo-vegetarian since the age of three, Darina is an animal lover and will turn a pure vegetarian soon after her growth is complete. She realised at the age of 11 how animals were slaughtered. “One day, I saw how animal were killed, how they make animal products. This broke my heart.” She immensely cares about about what Mother Earth does give us. Food supplements help her to be in a very good health. She learns a lot of things in her home economics class. “I have realised lots of things. For example, meat contains saturated fats which are not good. And cattle and chicken are injected with hormones and antibiotics for quick growth to be consumed by us human beings! And also the way they are treated by the ones who look after them...beaten, etc.” It also helps her to be in good shape and in a good health. Facing many people and their critics, she insists in saying that “being a vegan is MY choice. I have the right to do whatever is good for me since it is MY life. People do not have the right to say anything pertaining to my life and my choices. According to her, no one needs to feel guilty about being a vegan or vegetarian because it is all about choices. Being ovo-lacto vegetarian is not difficult once you have put this in your mind to become one. Finding food is also not difficult. You lead a rather simple lifestyle. For her, to be ovo-lacto vegetarian or vegan is to be healthy and energetic.
Emmanuel Cedric Noel Larché : “I only eat fish and vegetables”
Since the age of six, Cedric is a pescetarian and lives by the sea. At 16 now, he only eats fish and vegetables. He cannot smell animal’s meat. “I hate the taste and the smell of meat; I sometimes lack iron and some vitamins but do get proteins through fresh fish. I also see a nutritionist to correctly guide me in my daily diet. “I am still a teenager and I need to keep myself in good health.” He also respects the choices of others and says he expects people to give him the same respect. He admits that he does not have to eat meat to feel strong and be strong. “My elder sister always encourages me as she is herself a pescetarian. All I have to say is that fruits and vegetables are very good for health.”
Deshna Saugur : “Killing animals is barbaric”
Deshna, 19, considers herself to be pure vegetarian. “I have been vegetarian since I was in my mother’s womb. I have never ever felt tempted to eat non-vegetarian stuff.” If she goes to McDonald, she will never feel tempted to eat the same thing as her friends. Her mother fed her with pure vegetarian food. “I am not and was not allowed to touch meat because of my religious belief. She has never suffered from any health issue nor has she ever lacked vitamins or proteins. “I know how to balance my meal so as not to have any deficiency.” She has never tried to influence or forced anyone to become vegetarian. “People are free to choose their own food but I sometimes wonder how can people mercilessly kill innocent animals to satisfy their hunger despite the panoply of lip-smacking fruits and vegetables.” She also wants to ask those poking fun at vegetarians if they know the advantages of being a vegetarian and how many people are suffering due to excess consumption of meat. Vegetarians can get all the nutrients in veggies. “We feel concerned about the planet and humanity, killing is barbaric.” Vegetarian food is healthy and delicious.

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