Edelweiss Air and AirAsia will fly to Mauritius as from September and October respectively.
Edelweiss Air, Swiss company, plans two weekly flights to Mauritius on Tuesdays and Fridays, while AirAsia will serve three times a week. These two airlines are both “low cost” companies. Edelweiss Air has over 20 years experience in this sector. Benyamin Ismail, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AirAsia, also announced that there will be a new Kuala Lumpur-Mauritius connection.
He added that there will be special offers for online reservations as from 26 May to 5 June. AirAsia’s inaugural flight to Mauritius is scheduled on 4 October. The airline expects to carry more than 50,000 passengers to Mauritius in its first year of operation. Based in Malaysia, AirAsia operates in about 100 destinations in Asia and Australia through its hub in Kuala Lumpur. The company also has a fleet of almost 200 A320 Airbus.

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