The winner of the competition was the Charles Telfair Team made up of Oudhai Beegoo, Ashraf Bhatoo, David Cheung Han Sing, Keshav Rao China-appadu Sandra Lau Hing Wah. For the team, it was an honour to represent their university and now Mauritius at regional and International level. It is a dream come true.
“It shows that hard work does pay off. We should also highlight that we received great support and motivation from our lecturers and the staff of Charles Telfair Institute. We consider ourselves lucky since it was our last year at the University and we got the opportunity to participate in the first chapter of this competition. We do not take this responsibility lightly, and we look forward to improving our presentation,” says Keshave. For them, the competition was very time consuming, especially being third year students but with a good team work and planning, they were able to make it. “This competition helped us to relate to what we learnt at the university and it definitely enriched our knowledge. It also acted like an eye opener to the financial world,” he adds. The team is now getting ready for Chicago. “Being an International competition, we will need to make more efforts to improve our work and presentation skills.We are really motivated and we will do our very best to make Mauritius proud,” he hopes.
Vidhish Beeharry: “Disappointed for having missed the first place”
The 1st runner up of the competition was the Open University team comprising of Vidhish Beeharry, Teysing Chutturgoon, Ramful Abhishek Kavish, Pooja Tameswar and Vedmaa Thangaraj. Vidhish Beeharry, the team leader, claims that they were initially disappointed for having missed the first place. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"13356","attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter wp-image-22023","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"573","height":"276","alt":"CFA-3"}}]] “Our team had limited time to prepare. We are distance learning students and we barely meet on campus. Except for Kavish, everybody else works. It was difficult to meet and prepare adequately for our finals. Nonetheless, we managed to research adequately on Lux*. We had built a model of financial forecasting before applying the various methods to value the shares of Lux*. Given the circumstances, we made use of Skype, Google drive and emails to discuss our ideas. Moreover, we had to manage between our studies, professional commitments, the research challenge, and personal lives over the past months. A great test of time management,” he reveals. Despite all the challenges, the team had a superb experience. “Our mentor provided valuable investment analysis insights. Some of his suggestions will help us define our careers in the future. Such hands-on industry exposure complements our academic studies,” he concludes. Antish Aubeeluck: “It was a great opportunity” The 2nd Runner up team is from the University of Technology which comprised of Antish Aubeeluck, Aleesha Durga, Kooshal Ramsaran, Omrawoo Darvesh and Vedprakash Foolchand. The team leader, Antish Aubeeluck, stated that being the second runner up gives them immense pride. “We never imagined that we will make it to the finals. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"13357","attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter wp-image-22024 ","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"550","height":"241","alt":"CFA-2"}}]] At the beginning, it seemed tough, as it was something that we never did before. However, with sheer conviction, determination and patience we were able to achieve this,” he shares. The project required a lot of research from newspapers, magazines, company websites, annual reports and many other sources. “The biggest challenge was to forecast the stock price. Concerning the presentation, it was a real challenge. We never did a presentation of such a level before. Therefore, we had to learn everything, from preparing a presentation to speaking in public. It was a great opportunity to expand the reach of our studies and to do something that was out of our comfort zone. We learned a lot in terms of hard work, patience, team work and time management. It was also a lot of stress because of the new things. Nevertheless, it was a very enriching experience and was worth all the effort,” he says.
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