A small dispute over parking turned into nightmare in Grand Gaube on Wednesday night resulting in bloodshed and several arrests. Since long there have been conflicts between the Vivien and Moisdin families but on Wednesday, the situation took a new turn.
A simple dispute over a parking spot between Pascal Vivien and Naseem Moisdin led to serious fights where Molotov cocktails were thrown at the house of the Moisdin family. Seriously injured and under arrest, Pascal Viviens gave his version from his hospital bed of events that happened on the night of Tuesday and Wednesday. “In the past, I had scuffles with Naseem regarding some animals which were stolen. I asked the parents of Naseem to remove their cars so that my friend can take out his car. At that moment, Naseem and his relatives started to assault me with hammers and machetes,” he narrated.
The Moisdin family gave a different version of the story. They stated that on 4th January, Pascal Vivien came to their place and insulted them. He threw a stone on their car and provoked a dispute.
27-year old Saida, who was inside the house at that moment, says she is still traumatised by these incidents. “Pascal has the habit of drinking and shouting. They have burnt the car of my husband and ransacked the house. There were six persons inside the house including my two nieces, aged three and one. We had to hide them under the bed. Pascal’s relatives threw stones towards our house. We called the police various times. They finally came at around 5 am. We could have died,” she revealed.
The police commandos (GIPM), the Helicopter Squadron and various police units were mobilised to intervene to bring an end to the hostilities. Commandos evacuated members of the Moisdin family from the house. Later, people threw Molotov cocktails on the Moisdin house as a protest against Naseem Moisdin being released by the Grand Gaube police. The latter is alleged to have assaulted Pascal Vivien.
After signing the Discharge Against Medical Advice form, Pascal Vivien was arrested. The mother of Naseem identified him as the one who threw the Molotov cocktails at her house. Pascal Vivien is under arrest. Still under the shock, Pascal Vivien’s mother, however claims that it is the Moisdin who assaulted her son. “They have beaten my son terribly. I do not know what happened between them but they should not have behaved like this. My son has lost a lot of blood,” she said.

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