The way the banking system works is bound to know some changes with measures and legislations announced in Budget 2016-17. Firstly, a National Payment Systems Bill will be introduced regarding payment systems as well as the setting up of a National Payment Switch, among others.
The Finance Minister announced during his budget speech that a Deposit Insurance Scheme will be introduced to protect depositors and guarantee the repayment of their deposits to such extent as may be feasible, in case of failure of a bank or non-bank deposit taking institution licensed by the Bank of Mauritius. Likewise, there is will be the enactment of a legislation to set up an Asset Management Company which will take over, in a phased manner, non-performing loans from banks which have been secured by residential and commercial property.
Bank of Mauritius Act
The Bank of Mauritius Act will be amended to:
(i) grant central authority over bank holding companies and allow the Bank of Mauritius (BoM) to monitor intra group transactions and those between the group entities and related parties;
(ii) abolish the Banking Services Review Panel;
(iii) include the Minister of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms as a member of the Financial Stability Committee;
(iv) allow the reproduction of currency notes, bank notes and coins for educational and informational purposes;
(v) provide for currency notes and coins to be issued after concurrence, instead of consultation, of the Minister of Finance; and
(vi) allow the BoM to:
(a)grant advances to financial institutions and such other entities only against securities issued by Government or the BoM;
(b)lease its old building to public agencies;
(c)extend the power to execute documents of the BoM to the Secretary and such other officers as may be approved by the Board;
(d)issue Rules without approval of the Minister;
(e)coordinate and collaborate with the Financial Services Commission and Statistics Mauritius with a view to harmonising the rules and practices governing the collection, compilation and distribution of statistics; and
(f)use data maintained in the Mauritius Credit Information Bureau for supervisory purposes and financial stability assessment.
After the legislation concerning the regulator, the Banking Act will be amended to:
(i) to remove “investment banking business” from the definition of “bank” so that only the Financial Services Commission (FSC) regulates this business.
(ii) to require a foreign bank willing to establish a branch or a subsidiary in Mauritius, to provide a statement of no objection from the regulatory authority in the applicant’s country for it to carry out banking business in Mauritius;
(iii) to remove the supervision of credit unions from the purview of the Bank of Mauritius;
(iv) for subsidiaries of financial institutions incorporated outside Mauritius to submit to the BoM within one month after publication, a copy of their audited annual consolidated financial statements;
(v) to make it mandatory for banks to rotate audit firms every 5 years;
(vi) to allow a financial institution to make disclosures to its parent company or head office with regard to its affairs and client portfolio;
(vii) to provide for a receiver to discontinue the operations of a bank which has been placed into receivership instead of continuing its operations as may be done currently;
(viii) to disallow the receiver from restoring the financial institution back to its Board of Directors, since the latter bears the responsibility of bringing the financial institution into receivership;
(ix) to enable a simplified licensing procedure for a temporary financial institution to take over the assets and liabilities of a financial institution which has been put into receivership by the BoM;
(x) to restore the operation of a temporary financial institution to a maximum of 2 years instead of being determined by the central bank;
(xi) to provide for the provisions of the Banking Act to prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with provisions of other laws, other than the Bank of Mauritius Act; and
(xii) to empower the BoM to :-
(a)issue specific guidelines and/or instructions to ultimate and/or intermediate financial holding companies incorporated in Mauritius that have at least one subsidiary that is a bank or a non-bank deposit taking institutions which is classified as systemically important;
(b)refuse an application for a banking licence from a group which already has a banking licence and is predominantly engaged in banking activities; and
(c)carry out an independent valuation of the assets of a bank which holds collateral.
Sunil Bheeroo: “Amendments will have a positive impact”
Lawyer Sunil Bheeroo explains that only minor amendments will be brought to the Banking Act rather than an overall review. “When one looks at such proposals, the question to ponder upon is whether such amendments will have a positive impact on the banking sector as a whole. I tend to disagree for many reasons. Firstly, the initial Banking Act has been subject to piece meal amendments over the last few decades with no positive impact on the banking sector within the Mauritian economy. I would suggest that the Banking Act ought to have been revised with a view to keep pace with modern banking and financial operations.”
The lawyer expressed his concerns that more powers are now being delegated not only to the board of directors but also to officers of bank. This is a conflicting situation, in his opinion. Furthermore, the Bank of Mauritius seems to be moving from a regulatory role thereby substituting itself to a more operational and commercial role. “The Bank of Mauritius as a regulatory body ought to be revisited with a view to make it more honourable. Besides, the Deposit Insurance Scheme is good but still the question remains how many people have forfeited their deposits at the closure of a bank? Some of the amendments are simply conflicting and defeating the purpose of a central bank.
The Bank of Mauritius shall be entrusted with more delegated powers and that is not necessarily a positive move ahead. There is a lot more in regulating the banking sector to make it viable within the local context rather than interfering and making unwarranted comments on issues which has nothing to do with the banking sector as a whole.”

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