Opposition MP Reza Uteem put through a question regarding the transport of pilgrims for the Hajj Pilgrimage.
In his reply, Minister of Housing and Lands, Showkutally Soodhun, told parliament that according to information received from the Islamic Cultural Centre, no bid exercise has been carried out in 2016. The centre does not enter into any contract with any airline, but only requests for offers to give price indications to pilgrims willing to take best offers received.
Over the last five years, the airfares paid by Mauritian Hajjis, have been as follows:
(i) 2010 – Rs 41,300
(ii) 2011 – Rs 39,870
(iii) 2012 – Rs 38,750
(iv) 2013 – Rs 41,390
(v) 2014 – Rs 40,577
“The most critical issue was to escape the risky US dollar exchange rate compared to the Mauritian Rupee. I would to like point out that, prior to 2015, Emirates was quoting in US Dollars with the exchange risk taken by the pilgrims. The price ranged for airfare was amounting from 1,250 US Dollars up to 1,650 US Dollars,” said minister Soodhun.
The second issue was to resist the forecasted increase in fuel costs. After negotiations, we succeeded in shifting the airfare price in terms of Mauritian Rupees rather than US dollar terms.
(i) in spite of rising airfares and charges,
(ii) in spite of rising US dollar,
(iii) in spite of expected rising fuel costs.
“We managed to bring the Hajj airfare for 2015 to Rs 35,000 with Emirates. This is by far the lowest price of airfares paid over the last five years for Mauritian hajjis. Emirates has also offered to give luggage allowance of two suitcases of 23 kilos each to all pilgrims on both legs. Furthermore, Emirates is allowing the transportation of 5 litres of Zamzam water for each passenger,” said the minister.

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