No formal inter-ministerial committee has been established on the issue of BREXIT. However, informal consultations have been held with the private sector on the possible fall-out of BREXIT.
These discussions are still ongoing and this issue is on the agenda of the next Joint Public-Private Sector Steering Committee. This reply was given by the Prime Minister, Sir Anerood Jugnauth, to the PNQ of the leader of the opposition, Paul Bérenger, pertaining to the diplomatic, commercial and economic fall-outs of a United Kingdom exit from the European Union (EU).
Sir Anerood Jugnauth pointed out that our exports on the UK Market may be affected if the benefits of the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement which provides duty and quota free market access to Mauritius on the UK Market, by virtue of its membership in the EU, are removed. However, we do not believe that this is likely to happen, given that even if the UK were to exit the EU, there would be a transitional period of two years during which the UK would be expected to respect its obligations, he added. During that transitional period, we would seek to transpose the commitments of the UK under the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement into a new arrangement, underlined the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister underscored that should there be an exit of the UK, the latter would have not only to renegotiate all its obligations undertaken as a member of the European Union but it would also in all likelihood have to establish a new partnership with other World Trade Organisation Member States.
Sir Anerood Jugnauth highlighted that since this issue is of national interest, “we all need to come up with constructive proposals on the way forward to safeguard the interests of Mauritius” and chart a new strategy for our future economic relationships with the United Kingdom. As at now the UK cannot enter into any bilateral agreement with Mauritius without the approval at the European Union.
Upon BREXIT, the UK would be able to straightaway enter into such bilateral agreements and we need to capitalise on such possibilities and this is where the contributions of one and all will be essential, he stressed.

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