Clashes occurred between MP Adil Ameer Meea and the Speaker concerning a question on the appointment, salary and privileges of Financial Secretary, Dev Manraj. Adil Ameer Meea expressed his discontent that this PQ has been curtailed and he has asked for explanation from the Speaker, Mrs Maya Hanoomanjee, by way of a point of order. Madam Speaker has interrupted him by pointing out that “this is not a point of order. Unless you have another point of order!”
With this ruling, MP Ameer Meea has raised a point of personal explanation: “What I am saying is that this PQ, where a similar question was brought by hon. Bhagwan, this year, in the case of Mr Gérard Sanspeur, the question was on the agenda, answered by the hon. Prime Minister, giving all the information about the salary, the perks, the per diem, the overseas travelling, just name it.
How, in the case of Mr Sanspeur, the question was allowable, was answered and, in my case, in the case of Mr Dev Manraj, the question has been unfairly curtailed? What is your explanation? And to prove what I am saying, I am tabling my original question.” Once more, Madam Speaker overruled him: “Let me just remind you that this is neither a point of order nor a point of personal explanation.
You have been in this Parliament for several years now and, according to Standing Order 21(4) - I wish to draw your attention to Standing Order 21(4) - which clearly states, and I am quoting from the Standing Orders – “When a question has been refused or amended, and the Member concerned wishes to make representations to the Speaker on the matter, these must be made privately to the Speaker and not raised by way of a point of order in the Assembly. And at the same time, I wish to draw your attention again to Standing Order 21(5), which says that – “The Clerk shall have full power to sub-edit questions.”
Adil Ameer Meea has not been able to challenge the Speaker, who has been unwavering: “This is my ruling! My ruling is final! You cannot raise any point of order again on a ruling which has been given by the Speaker. If you want to pursue this matter further, as I said, and as stipulated in the Standing Orders, then you come to see me privately in my office and we will deal with the matter as stated in the Standing Orders. I am not prepared to depart from the Standing Orders.”
MP Ameer Meea fired a final shot with this comment: “It is a matter of deep regret because we are talking of tax payers’ money.” In his answer, the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, has pointed out that the Public Service Commission has, in exercise of the power vested in it by section 89 of the Constitution, appointed Mr Dev Manraj as Financial Secretary with effect from 09 October 2013.
His appointment was on a contractual basis for an initial period of two years. The salaries and benefits he has drawn since 09 October 2013 were totally in compliance with those prescribed by the Pay Research Bureau for the post of Financial Secretary and are same as the terms and conditions and benefits applicable for Senior Officials in the Public Service.
In December 2014, when this current Government took office, Mr Dev Manraj was kept in his post as Financial Secretary on the same terms and conditions. The contract of appointment was then renewed by the Public Service Commission, for a further period of two years, with effect from 09 October 2015 and September 2017 on the same terms and conditions as for the initial contract and including an additional responsibility allowance of Rs 40,000.
These terms and conditions of appointment were revised in compliance with the PRB Report of 2016. His basic salary is now Rs 164,000.
Moreover, in accordance with the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms Circular letter No. 57 of 2013, the Financial Secretary has been provided with a car, namely an Audi A6.

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