Platform Africa, a new high level forum for discussion on the role of Mauritius as a platform for Africa, was launched last week by a number of leading representatives of the business, legal and media communities on the island.
Platform Africa will hold high level events to consider how Mauritius can develop its emerging position as a platform for Africa, and an online English-language discussion forum is also live at PlatformAfrica.com.
PlatformAfrica.com will focus on providing first hand news and views from those who are already doing business in Africa in the areas of finance, technology and energy, and will also cover wider themes such as sustainability, leadership and entrepreneurship. It will include contributions from opinion leaders from around the continent who will play a role in shaping tomorrow’s Africa. It will target a high level audience of business leaders, investors, government representatives and international institutions across the continent to showcase what Mauritius has to offer.
Platform Africa has been launched by the following Co-Founders:
- Samantha Seewoosurrun, Managing Director of Acuitas Communications
- Arvind Nilmadhub, Executive Director, Afribrains
- Fred Sisson, CEO of Synnove Energy and Member of US Presidential Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa
- Graham Sheward, Managing Director of Cim Global Business
- James Benoit CFA, CEO and Executive-Director Designate of FCMB (UK)
- Mark O’Sullivan, Founder and CEO of Interpaytech, part of Africa FinTech 100
- Sylvain Deslandes, CEO of Agileum
- Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul, Managing Partner of Balgobin Chambers.
Speaking upon the launch, Samantha Seewoosurrun, Managing Director of Acuitas Communications, said: “Mauritius is positioning itself as a platform for Africa, but what lies behind this phrase? How can Mauritius help develop Africa? What is the African continent looking for? PlatformAfrica.com will uncover the stories behind the slogan, bringing real insights from experts, investors and innovators from the continent as well as those closer to home in Mauritius. It will be an open and inclusive forum for all of those interested in the future of Mauritius in Africa.”
Arvind Nilmadhub, Executive Director of Afribrains, commented: “During the last few years, Africa has been coined as the next investment Eldorado for the World. Mauritius and all African countries have common interests for the progress and economic development of the continent. PlatformAfrica.com will be the platform of reference to understand economic implications for Africa and Mauritius.”
Fred Sisson, CEO of Synnove Energy and Member of US Presidential Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa, said: “From an international perspective, Mauritius is ideally suited as a service provider to Africa. Its legal framework is clear and aligned with the large developed capital markets; its tax structure makes it easy to attract and deploy funds and its young people are well educated and eager for new challenges. I look forward to participating in PlatformAfrica and helping to grow Mauritius’ influence in the region.”
Graham Sheward, Managing Director of Cim Global Business, said: “I am thrilled to be part of Platform Africa. The Mauritius Financial Sector has a key role to play in the development of the Continent and this platform has the merit to bring together the different players who share the same African vision.”
Sylvain Deslandes, CEO of Agileum, commented: “AGILEUM is very proud to be part of this new adventure. Platform Africa will help to expand the boundaries of possibility for development in Africa and find new ways to tackle Africa challenges. We strongly believe that the creation of deeper collaboration between countries will be one of the key initiatives that will accelerate Africa’s digital transformation.”
Platform Africa is operated by Acuitas Communications and is based in Ebène. It is sponsored by the Financial Services Promotion Agency (FSPA), Cim Global Business, InterPayTech, Globefin Corporate Services Limited and Agileum. Its partners include the Pan-African Chamber of Commerce and the business networking site www.africastopover.com.

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