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Jeux de hasard : Pravind Jugnauth révèle les détails de l'accord entre le gouvernement et le Lottotech

Le deuxième tirage hebdomadaire du Loto, qui se fait chaque mercredi, découle d’un accord entre le gouvernement et le Lottotech. Il s'agit d'un accord conclu le 13 juin 2018 devant un juge d'arbitrage de la Cour suprême. 


C’est ce qu’a révélé le Premier ministre à l’Assemblée nationale, ce mardi 30 octobre, en réponse à une question du député du PMSD, Dan Baboo. 

Pravind Jugnauth a aussi expliqué que l’accord stipule un renouvellement du permis de Lottotech pour une période de 10 ans. En clair, aucun autre opérateur ne pourra organiser le Loto durant cette période. 

Le Premier ministre a mis l'accent sur le fait que le gouvernement n’avait pas d’autres choix que de trouver un accord à l’amiable avec le Lottotech car la Loterie Nationale avait initié une action en Cour pour rupture de contrat après que le gouvernement avait pris la décision d’abolir les cartes à gratter et les publicités entourant les jeux du hasard à Maurice.  

Pravind Jugnauth a expliqué que l'Etat aurait dû payer une grosse somme d'argent au Lottotech en guise de compensation si cet accord n'avait pas été trouvé. Le gouvernement a ainsi accepté les trois propositions de Lottotech :  1) un renouvellement de son permis d’opération jusqu'à 2029 ;2) le nombre de tirages chaque semaine passe de deux et 3) la Loterie Verte passe sous la tutelle du Lottotech.

Selon Pravind Jugnauth, c’est une bonne chose car la Loterie Verte encourait des pertes. Pour combler le déficit, il a fallu puiser des gains non réclamés, explique le Premier ministre, qui a aussi confirmé que 44 des 65 employés de la Loterie Verte sont réembauchés par le Lottotech. 

Le député Dan Baboo a aussi interrogé Pravind Jugnauth sur la promesse électorale faite par l’Alliance Lepep, celle d’empêcher l’île Maurice de devenir une «nation zougader». Pravind Jugnauth a simplement répondu que les campagnes de sensibilisation seront multipliées.

Ci-dessous la réponse du Premier ministre à l'Assemblée nationale ce mardi :




The Honourable Second Member for Vacoas and Floreal
(Mr Baboo)

To ask the Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External
Communications and National Development Unit, Minister of Finance and Economic Development – Whether, in regard to the Lottotech, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain information as to the reasons for the drawing thereof twice a week?


Madam Speaker,

I am informed that, following a Request for Proposal issued by the State Investment Corporation in March 2008, Lottotech was retained as the preferred bidder to operate the Mauritius National Lottery. Accordingly, on 03 April 2009, a Shareholder's Agreement was signed between Lottotech and State Investment Corporation, thus making the latter a shareholder of Lottotech as the promoter of the project. Subsequently, Lottotech applied for a licence to operate the Mauritius National Lottery based on its proposals for five game categories.

On 16 April 2009, the Gambling Regulatory Authority issued to Lottotech the Mauritius National Lottery Operator Licence. However, Lottotech was authorised to operate only two games categories namely, one weekly Lotto 6/40 game and the instant scratch cards known as cartes à gratter. Lottotech entered a case against Government for breach of the shareholders’ Agreement. Thereafter, on 30 October 2012, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed between Government and Lottotech before the Mediation Judge for the contribution of Lottotech to the Consolidated Fund to be reduced from an initial 58.01 % to 46.16% based on the two authorised games.

Madam Speaker,

The Hon. Member will recall that in the 2015 Budget Speech a total ban on gambling advertisement and instant scratch cards effective as from July 2015 was announced. As a result of the implementation of these measures, in 2016, Lottotech entered a case against Government for a breach of the Agreement signed in 2012. Lottotech claimed a monetary compensation for the losses incurred or a reduction in the rate of its contribution to the Consolidated Fund.

On 13 June 2018, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed before the Mediation Judge of the Supreme Court, whereby Lottotech agreed to waive all its rights to any claim for monetary compensation and to increase its contribution to Government from 46.16% to 47.16%. Government, on its part, agreed to the following: (i) the operating licence of Lottotech will be renewed for two consecutive periods of five years up to April 2029; (ii) Lottotech shall be authorised to operate a second weekly Lotto 6/40 game after consultation with the Gambling Regulatory Authority; and(iii) the transfer of the brand name and mark of the Loterie Vert currently held by Government Lotteries and operated by Lottery Committee to Lottotech.

Madam Speaker,

I wish to inform the House that the Lottery Committee, which is a body corporate set up under section 86 of the Gambling Regulatory Act 2007, has been making losses which stood at Rs 8.4M and Rs 13.6M in 2014 and 2015, respectively. This year up to the month of May the deficit was Rs 5.1M.

These deficits are being met from the Prize Account wherein unclaimed funds for winning tickets are credited, when these sums ought to have been credited into the Consolidated Fund. The Lottery Committee, in view of its financial position, is no longer a viable concern. During protracted negotiation, Lottotech agreed to take over the brand name and mark of the Loterie Vert and to modernise it for a complete turnaround.

Madam Speaker,

With the transfer of the Loterie Vert to Lottotech, the Lottery Committee will have to wind up. As part of the agreement signed before the Mediation Judge, Lottotech agreed to employ 44 out of 65 employees of the Lottery Committee and to pay to each of them a monthly salary no less than their last salary at the Lottery Committee.

Actions and procedures have already been initiated to give effect to the provisions of the Agreement signed on 13 June 2018. In accordance with Rule 13 (3) of the Supreme Court (Mediation) Rules 2010 the agreement embodied in the memorandum shall be executed in the same manner as if it were a judgement of the Court by consent of and between the parties who have signed it. 

Subsequently, Madam Speaker, Lottotech, after obtaining the approval of the Gambling Regulatory Authority, introduced the second weekly draw on Wednesday 05 September 2018.


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