Hassenjee Ruhomally and his wife Fariha Ruhomally were released on Thursday after paying a bail of Rs 2,500 and signed an acknowledgement of debt of Rs 25,000 each. The couple were arrested by the CCID on Wednesday, following a complaint filed against them on Tuesday by Minister of Housing and Lands, Showkutally Soodhun. Mr Soodhun stated that these two persons have made false allegations against him on Facebook; and that a fake document containing allegations against him was being circulated on the social media platform.
The document claims that the medical expenses incurred by Minister Soodhun at Apollo Bramwell Hospital were written off by the hospital’s board of directors. Dr Mahesh Krishna Kumar revealed that Minister Soodhun did not undergo any surgery nor was he admitted at the said hospital in 2014.
On Wednesday afternoon, the police conducted a raid at the home of Hassenjee Ruhomally and Fariha Ruhomally in Quatre-Bornes and the couple were taken into custody. Hassenjee Ruhomally explained that he had no intention of harming the Minister Soodhun. In his statement, he explained that a person named “Paul Lismore” posted an invoice of Apollo Bramwell hospital dated 2014. “I shared this document with other Facebook users. Some of them commented. But I had no intention of harming the Minister,” Mr Ruhomally stated.

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