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Sir Anerood Jugnauth opéré d’une cataracte en Inde

Sir Anerood Jugnauth a été opéré par le Dr Kasu Prasad Reddy (à dr.) [Photo The Hindu]
Le Premier ministre sir Anerood Jugnauth a été opéré avec succès d’une cataracte et a quitté l’hôpital Maxivision Super Speciality Eye Hospitals à Hyderrabad en Inde jeudi 25 février, rapporte le journal indien The Hindu. Sir Anerood Jugnauth est en voyage privé en Inde du 18 au 28 février. « Je me sens très à l’aise en Inde », affirme sir Anerood Jugnauth aux journalistes indiens à sa sortie de l’hôpital Maxivision Super Speciality Eye Hospitals jeudi 25 février, précise The Hindu. Selon The Hindu : «The Prime Minister underwent a successful Cataract and Glaucoma surgery performed by chief surgeon Kasu Prasad Reddy and his team last Sunday and changed his mind about addressing a press conference. “He decided not to talk as he considered it to be a private visit and devoid of any protocol,” said Dr. Reddy”.» «The doctor said Mr. Jugnauth had chosen Hyderabad and this hospital for surgery of both eyes where a combination of four technologies including the ‘Victus Femtosecond Laser’ where he had done primary prototype research work were utilised for the operation”, peut-on lire dans The Hindu. Le journal rapporte aussi une déclaration du Dr Kasu Prasad Reddy, qui a opéré sir Anerood Jugnauth : «The procedure was complicated because of the twin condition of angle closure Glaucoma and cataracts in both eyes. Pupils had to be dilated, laser was used and special machine to deduce the vision power was used for the procedure which took about two hours in total.» The Hindu : «The right eye had an advanced Glaucoma and the patient did not have to stay in the hospital as the operations took half hour for each eye, he said and advised people above the age group of more than 30 years to go for a periodic check up of eyes for Glaucoma as “it was a silent disease which can seen by an ophthalmologist,” said Dr. Reddy”». La cataracte est l’opacification partielle ou totale du cristallin, lentille convergente située à l’intérieur de l’œil. Cette opacification est responsable d’une baisse progressive de la vue, au début accompagnée de gêne à la lumière.
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