Un avertissement de fortes pluies est également en vigueur à Rodrigues en ce mardi 30 janvier. De plus, un avis de fortes houles a été émis.
Voici le bulletin spécial émis pour Rodrigues :
"Heavy Rain Warning and Heavy Swell Warning for Rodrigues issued at 05h00 on Tuesday 30 January 2024.
Active clouds associated with the tropical disturbance to the northeast of the island will influence the local weather as from this morning.
Moderate showers with thunderstorms are expected over the island which may become locally heavy. Thus, a heavy rain warning is in force in Rodrigues.
The presence of the Tropical disturbance to the northeast of Rodrigues is causing heavy swells over the region. As a result, the sea state is rough to very rough. Wave-height of 4 meters are expected around the island. The heavy swells may break along the beaches during high tides. Fishermen, pleasure-crafts users and the public are strongly advised not to go out at sea and even on those beaches especially during high tides.
Practical advice:
In case of heavy thundery showers, the public is advised to:
1. remain in safe places and avoid open areas, hikings, sea ventures and sheltering under trees.
2. avoid places prone to water accumulation.
3. be very cautious on the roads due to reduced visibility resulting from heavy rains and fog patches."

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