« In the light of the genuine regret expressed by Ms Shamloll for having done things under the instructions of her senior, to whom she looked upon with awe, being the spouse of a sitting Judge of the Supreme Court and her cooperation in enlightening the Commission regarding the modus operandi of her senior, the Commission will not recommend any further inquiry into her acts and doings. »
« Ms. Shamloll’s deposition enabled the Commission to have an insight of the practice of certain seniors like Mr. Gulbul in sending juniors to meet prisoners while they would only rarely visit prisoners in jail. It also brought to light that when small dealers were caught it would be juniors who would he sent to the police station to assist them in their statements. »
« After scrutiny it would appear that they had been instructed by their lawyers not to implicate the drug baron in exchange of money or simply by using threats or any other leverage against them … »
« Her bank accounts show several significant cash transactions and she acquired a car to the tune of Rs 2 036 000. »

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